"Multiverse – Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2024" exhibition showcases awarded poster designs from around the world, highlighting emerging trends and future directions
- In its eighth edition, the competition has attracted the largest number of entries ever, highlighting the vibrant cultural diversity of different regions.
- For the first time, the triennial exhibition incorporates numbers of digital displays and an immersive projection zone, featuring enchanted animated works by international designers.

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One of the largest of its kind in Asia, this edition of triennial attracted 3,189 entries from 55 countries and regions. The triennial exhibition, which is currently on display at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (HKHM), allows audiences to appreciate the posters in a variety of medium from a fresh perspective, as designers are pushing the boundaries by adopting innovative approaches to conveying diverse messages, enriched with unique aesthetics and cultural attributes.
“Many designers have utilised digital technologies,” says Brian Lam, Museum Director of the HKHM. “This approach provides a greater scope for their creativity.”
The theme “Multiverse” carries several connotations. “On one hand, it denotes the multiple roles of each individual. On the other hand, it invites people to re-examine design and creativity, and their infinite possibilities,” says Kristie Ip, Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Designers Association, which co-presents the triennial with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Local and global design trends are highlighted in the exhibition, which features the award-winning works as well as selected posters from international designers, totalling 155 sets. “Typography are the core design elements in many posters. Designers also incorporate their unique local cultural aesthetics to convey messages and concerns,” says Sandee Tang, Assistant Curator I (Design) of the HKHM.
The triennial features four categories: “Thematic: Multiverse”, “Promotion of Cultural Programmes”, “Commercial and Advertising”, and “Animated Poster”. “For the first time, we set up a separate specialist judging panel for the animated poster category, in alignment with the growing trend that more designers use digital technologies to explore more creative possibilities,” Tang notes.
Each category features Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards, as well as a Judges Award, which honours an outstanding design selected by one of the judges on the panels.
The triennial was inaugurated in 2001.