That morning coffee is doing wonders for your health, says new study
Researchers at Tulane University have found drinking coffee in the morning appears to be better for health outcomes than caffeinating throughout the day – though they don’t know why

Researchers wanted to assess whether the time of day people drink coffee has any impact on their health.
They looked at more than 40,000 adults in the US taking part in long-term studies examining health, nutrition and lifestyle.
They found two distinct patterns of coffee drinking – those who drink coffee before midday and those who drink coffee all day.
More than a third (36 per cent) of those taking part in the study were deemed to be morning coffee drinkers while around 14 per cent were all-day coffee drinkers.

The research team, led by experts from Tulane University in the US, tracked people in the study for almost a decade. During the follow-up period some 4,295 people taking part in the study died.