When Madonna and Sean Penn were in Hong Kong to shoot Shanghai Surprise
The Queen of Pop was in town in early 1986 to shoot scenes for her latest film and had managed to give media the slip, until a Post photographer spotted them dining at a restaurant in Central

“Some extravagant special effects, from the same crew that produced the hair-raising scenes in Indiana Jones, will be a feature of the film. Location filming is to take place in Sai Kung and Western district.”

On January 12, the Post reported that “singer Madonna succeeded in giving Hongkong’s press the slip when she arrived here for a filming stint last week – but her producer has denied she is camera-shy”.
“‘They are not avoiding anything,’ said the film’s producer, John Kohn. ‘We are trying to make a movie, which takes a lot of preparation and rehearsal.’

“Madonna will be in Hongkong and Macau for a month. And George Harrison may visit the territory to check on the movie’s progress. Producer Kohn said: ‘George Harrison is financing the movie. He could arrive, but I have no idea when.’