Outside In | Can law of unintended consequences temper Trump and his team?
From trade to immigration, Trump’s agenda risks a backlash. The question is whether he sees the problem and will change tack

Behold the law of unintended consequences, the reward for those who see no further than their nose – or, in Donald Trump’s case, no further than the baying demands of those who swept him into office.
In less than two weeks, we have witnessed from the US president a veritable blitzkrieg of statements, proclamations and memorandums intended to impress his fans, and shock and awe adversaries at home and overseas.
As Trump’s team moves forward, one has to pray the law of unintended consequences will sober up a large part of the agenda. Trump probably hopes many of his faithful do not notice.
While populist leaders and hothead idealists have persisted for centuries in believing there are quick and easy solutions, the reality check of unintended consequences has persistently brought them back to earth.