Letters | Is Hong Kong’s alcohol consumption really cause for concern?
Readers discuss the city’s per capita alcohol consumption in the context of other places, and the government’s planning of large-scale events
These are top-level statements that do not look into the details at the national or regional level. Countries and regions differ from one another because of culture, tradition and religion.
Hong Kong’s alcohol consumption per capita was 2.45 litres in 2020. This figure should be compared with the world’s figure to reflect the seriousness of the issue, if any. Global alcohol consumption per capita stood at 4.9 litres. The European Union had the highest rate at 9.8 litres. The latest figures I could find for the Western Pacific region of which Hong Kong is a part were 7.3 litres in 2016. The figure for Hong Kong is very low in comparison.
Your correspondent wrote that “a fall in alcohol prices is known to increase consumption, and vice versa”. This seems to be common sense but it is not necessarily true. A person will not automatically eat more rice if the price of rice drops significantly.