Opinion | Hong Kong needs these laws to close child protection loopholes
Despite recent legislation on mandatory reporting of abuse, children still need stronger protection from psychological harm and sexual grooming, and stronger deterrence against neglect

Among the cases of sexual abuse involving underage victims, 45 met their perpetrators online. This was a 15 per cent increase from the previous year. Most victims were between ages 12 and 16, with the youngest being only nine years old.
However, most cases never come to light. In 2021, Professor Clinton Emery, a social worker researcher at the University of Hong Kong, estimated that only 1 per cent of child maltreatment cases are reported. According to a China Daily report, “child abuse is largely a phenomenon of families at the margins of society, handicapped by poor education and low income”. Alarm bells, therefore, are ringing, and must be heard.

The easiest reform is what some in the United Kingdom called the “Cinderella Law” – part of the country’s Serious Crime Act – directed at combating psychological suffering. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child requires children to be protected emotionally as well as physically, and here Hong Kong is wanting.