Editorial | A time for reflection and an opportunity for Hong Kong to turn the page on 2024
There is much work ahead for Hong Kong and the nation in the new year but the challenges can be met with perseverance and optimism

The new year has been greeted enthusiastically around the world with customary firework displays and jubilant celebrations. Now 2025 has dawned, it is time to look to the future.
This will be a critical year for China’s economy as Beijing seeks to revive domestic consumption and fuel growth while continuing the transition to technology-driven sectors. The 14th five-year plan ends in 2025. A new blueprint will be drafted this year, setting the future direction.
This is significant for Hong Kong and Macau, too, establishing their role in national development. Hong Kong’s leader, John Lee Ka-chiu, was told by President Xi Jinping that China had very high expectations of the city. Lee faces many challenges as he attempts to boost the economy and improve people’s livelihoods.
Progress has been made since the pandemic. The government highlighted 10 achievements, from passing national security laws to driving tourism, attracting overseas companies and promoting sport.
But there is still much work to be done. Hong Kong must adapt to changing circumstances and identify new engines of growth.
The start of the year is also a time when we celebrate newborns, who represent the future. This reminds us of the numerous social issues to be tackled, from ensuring the well-being of young people to resolving problems arising from the ageing population.