Trump-Russia collusion investigations
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US President Donald Trump. Photo: Reuters

No bias in FBI’s Trump-Russia probe, watchdog finds, despite numerous errors

  • Report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz lists 17 ‘basic and fundamental’ errors and omissions that made case appear stronger than it was
  • Findings likely to give ammunition to both Trump supporters and Democratic critics in ongoing debate over legitimacy of collusion investigation

The US Justice Department’s internal watchdog said he had found numerous errors but no evidence of political bias by the FBI when it opened an investigation into contacts between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia in 2016.

The report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz is likely to give ammunition to both Trump’s supporters and his Democratic critics in the debate about the legitimacy of an investigation that shadowed the first two years of his presidency.

Horowitz found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had a legal “authorised purpose” to ask for court approval to begin surveillance of Carter Page, a Trump campaign adviser.

But Horowitz also found a total of 17 “basic and fundamental” errors and omissions in the original application and all subsequent renewals to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA). Those errors made the case appear stronger than it was, Horowitz said.

In particular, the report singled out an FBI lawyer who altered an email contained in a renewal of the application which claimed that Page was “not a source” to another US government agency.

In truth, Page served as a “operational contact” to another unnamed agency, which was not named in the report.

The FBI investigation, launched in the summer of 2016 ahead of the November election pitting Trump against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, was taken over in May 2017 by former FBI chief Robert Mueller after Trump fired James Comey as the agency’s director.

Mueller’s 22-month special counsel investigation detailed a Russian campaign of hacking and propaganda to sow discord in the United States, harm Clinton and boost Trump.

Mueller documented numerous contacts between Trump campaign figures and Moscow but found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy.

Trump called the investigation a witch hunt and assailed FBI leaders and career staff members who worked on it.

Democrats have accused Trump of seeking to discredit a legitimate investigation that detailed extensive interactions between his campaign and Russia and long cast a cloud over his presidency.

FBI Director Christopher Wray agreed with all of the inspector general’s findings. Attorney General William Barr said the report “reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process”.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Photo: AP Photo

“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a US presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions,” Barr said in a statement.

Horowitz’s report will not be the final word on the subject. Barr in May appointed John Durham, a federal prosecutor in Connecticut, to examine whether the Russia investigation was properly predicated.

Durham’s work has become a criminal investigation.
