China school ditches ‘elite dining’ for high-achieving pupils after online backlash
Storm of controversy after top performing pupils get special area in canteen, served better lunch, given a gift

A secondary school in China has been mired in controversy for setting a “good students dining area” for students who achieved good grades.
The Shishichengfei Secondary School in southwestern China’s Sichuan province was exposed to have provided superior lunch sets for a group of students.
Their table in the school canteen was also labelled as a “straight A student area”.
According to the school, only the student with the best overall grade, the student with the best grade in one subject, and the student who made the biggest progress from each class in the December school test were awarded with a better lunch and a small gift.
Students with ordinary grades dined in the same canteen.

When video footage of the discriminating dining arrangement went viral online and triggered controversy, the school apologised on December 17.