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A woman in China who suffered horrific injuries at the hands of her violent husband has finally been granted a divorce. Photo: SCMP composite/Shutterstock/Douyin

China husband’s 2-year torrent of violence leaves wife with colostomy bag, split sealed

  • First violent attack happened in July 2021 when wife was in early stages of pregnancy

A woman in China who endured a two-year barrage of domestic violence from her husband, which left her having to use a colostomy bag, has finally been granted a divorce.

The victim, surnamed Xie, 30, suffered terrible injuries at the hands of her then-husband after he severely beat her at their home in Chengdu in southwestern Sichuan province on April 25, 2023, China National Radio reported.

“My liver, spleen, stomach, kidney and duodenum were all damaged. My bowels were broken, so doctors did a colostomy surgery on me,” she was quoted as saying.

Xie was in intensive care for eight days before being transferred to an ordinary ward. For a month thereafter she received blood infusions for 22 hours every day.

Her husband, surnamed He, was arrested and charged with abuse and causing intentional harm, according to the report.

Her husband’s violence started when she was pregnant and ended with Xie in intensive care. Photo:

It is not clear when the case will be heard because the judicial authorities are still evaluating the degree of Xie’s injuries and the loss she has sustained.

Meanwhile, Xie filed for divorce and appealed to the court to grant her a divorce and custody of the couple’s two-year-old daughter.

The case was heard at the Wuhou District People’s Court in Chengdu on May 31.

Xie said at a consultation meeting before the trial that He agreed on divorce and nodded in apparent agreement that his wife should have custody of their daughter.

However, in court, He went back on his word.

He also requested Xie to write a letter of forgiveness to him, which would be helpful in reducing his jail term. If she did not, he would not agree to the divorce.

“I didn’t expect that he would back out of what he had agreed before,” Xie said.

“In the court, he repeatedly said he did not want to divorce me and said he still had love for me. He’d like to continue to live with me and raise our child together.

“I was devastated when hearing his words. But fortunately, the court made a verdict for the divorce,” she added.

Xie said He had beaten her 16 times since they married in May 2021.

The first violent attack came in July of that year, when Xie was in the early stages of her pregnancy.

She said she made a report to the police after the first assault.

Xie’s ex-husband has been charged with abuse and causing intentional harm to her. Photo:

The police issued He with a warning and he also knelt down before Xie’s parents, promising he would not beat her again. But the gesture did not stop his violence.

“I hope my story and my tragedy can help and encourage others not to become the next me,” said Xie.

Her ordeal sparked heated discussions on mainland social media.

“Domestic violence can happen to any woman. Many female friends told me that they don’t want to marry because of this,” an online observer said on Douyin.

“Reading your story, I feel my heart ache,” another person wrote. “I’ve also endeared domestic violence many times, but, for the sake of my kids, I don’t know what to do.”