
Defiant woman becomes China’s first female Arctic crab fisher, earns US$18,000 a month

  • History-making 30-year-old works all hours on ‘prison’ ship, endures sub-zero temperatures and racial abuse

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A woman from the mainland has defied prejudice and extreme conditions to become China’s first female Arctic crab fisher. Photo: SCMP composite/Xiaohongshu

China’s first woman Arctic crab fisher, who works 12 hours a day on a “prison” ship for 130,000 yuan (US$18,000) a month, has been praised online for her resilience in the face of harsh conditions.


Liu Yifan, 30, from Guizhou province in southwestern China, left a secure job at a state-owned Chinese enterprise three years ago to join her husband in Tromsø, a port city in northern Norway.

She initially took up a hotel job but in January through the introduction of local friends, she decided to try crab fishing.

Despite the harsh working conditions Liu can still smile because the job pays well. Photo: Weibo
Despite the harsh working conditions Liu can still smile because the job pays well. Photo: Weibo

“The job allows me to wear cool uniforms, demonstrate my strength and it pays well, why wouldn’t I take it?” said Liu.
