
Hong Kong teen challenging school ban on long hair for boys may take legal action after ‘unsatisfactory’ mediation with principal

  • Nathan Lam says school’s proposal did not meet her expectations and the two sides ‘remain divided’
  • The 17-year-old says mediation has been prolonged process and she was not optimistic matter can be resolved before she graduates next year

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Nathan Lam told the press after a meeting arranged by the city’s equality watchdog that the session was not satisfactory and she did not rule out taking legal action. Photo: Jonathan Wong

A teenager in Hong Kong who claims to experience gender dysphoria has not ruled out taking legal action against her school’s long hair ban for male students, after finding the first conciliation session arranged by the city’s equality watchdog “unsatisfactory”.


Nathan Lam Chak-chun, who prefers to be referred to using the “she” and “her” pronouns, attended a two-hour mediation meeting with the principal of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College in Kowloon Tong on Thursday. The 17-year-old, who was accompanied by her mother, said she did not feel the session arranged by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) was helpful.

“The meeting was not to my expectations … I can only say I am dissatisfied with the school’s proposal,” she said, but stopped short of providing further details citing confidentiality of the session. “Our opinions remain divided.”

The Form Six student claims to have gender dysphoria, a mismatch between a person’s sex assigned at birth and their gender identity, and had lodged a complaint to the EOC in July. She made waves in July when a video she posted on Instagram went viral, drawing more than 680,000 views.
An Instagram video that Nathan posted on Instagram in July went viral, drawing over 680,000 views. Photo: Facebook
An Instagram video that Nathan posted on Instagram in July went viral, drawing over 680,000 views. Photo: Facebook