
Blowing Water | Looking ahead to 2019, four things that might improve Hong Kong in the coming year

  • Letting children get more physical exercise and weaning ourselves off our throwaway culture would improve life for all in 2019
  • Hong Kong should also nurture a proper sense of community, reaching out to the needy, and make an effort to be inclusive

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Studies show that children in Hong Kong do not get enough physical exercise. Photo: Winson Wong

As 2018 draws to a close, we are still seeing many news reports of Hong Kong’s sky-high rents, its housing shortage, and widening wealth gap when it comes to addressing social issues.


Media outlets have been focusing on those topics to a point where it has become so repetitive that readers have been effectively numbed by the sight of them. Of course, these perennial issues are important to many and should not be swept under the carpet, but I feel that there are also topics that may not have been prominently featured but still worth our attention.

Here is my wish list of such topics I hope will garner more column inches or airtime in the new year.

First, improving the physical fitness of children is one thing that many parents seem to neglect as their priority is mainly academic performance. According to research conducted by the University of Hong Kong earlier this year, the city’s prison inmates have more outdoor exercise time than our primary and secondary school students.

Hongkongers are faced with the highest property prices in the world, putting the chance of every owning a home beyond many. Photo: Edward Wong
Hongkongers are faced with the highest property prices in the world, putting the chance of every owning a home beyond many. Photo: Edward Wong