
Hong Kong minister attacks lawmaker’s bid to adjourn debate on copyright bill

Greg So urges pan-democrats not to support Raymond Chan’s ‘very unwise’ proposal

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Commerce minister Greg So says Hong Kong needs more “positive energy”. Photo: Dickson Lee

Commerce minister Greg So Kam-leung hit back at Raymond Chan Chi-chuen yesterday after the People Power lawmaker suggested a motion to adjourn debate on the controversial copyright amendment bill at this week’s meeting.


So, who is tasked with implementing the bill, said it was “very unwise” for Chan to try to obstruct debate in the Legislative Council and called on other lawmakers, especially the pan-democrats not to support his motion.


“I hope lawmakers, especially the pan-democrat lawmakers, will not join the debate adjournment proposed by Chan,” So said.

The minister said Hong Kong needed “positive energy”, otherwise it would “sink in sorrow”.
