
Tech bureau, lead-in-water scandal and private columbariums among heated debates as Hong Kong's Legislative Council reconvene

A series of "hot potato" issues await lawmakers at the start of their fourth and last year term.

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Tech bureau, lead-in-water scandal and private columbariums among heated debates as Hong Kong's Legislative Council reconvene

After months when political reform dominated, the legislature faces another tough year as it addresses a series of "hot potato" issues - from the long-debated innovation and technology bureau to private columbariums.


As 70 lawmakers reconvene to mark the beginning of the last year of their four-year term, pan-democrats will put forward a motion to invoke the Legislative Council's special powers to investigate this summer's discovery of lead in water at public housing estates.

Information technology sector lawmaker Charles Mok said he believed funding for the bureau - against which radical pan-democrats staged a marathon filibuster before the summer recess - would be passed this session as it was first on the agenda.


"It is time for the lawmakers to focus on ways to monitor the bureau after its creation to prevent it from … benefiting only a small group of people as some suggested," said Mok.
