
Exclusive | Indonesian woman’s death in Hong Kong double murder leaves loved ones without a daughter, a sister, a mother

Grandmother can’t bear to tell Sumarti Ningsih’s son truth about brutal killing

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(From left) Sumarti Ningsih’s father Ahmad Kaliman, brother Suyitno, mother Suratmi and son Muhamad Hkafizh Arnovan in their family home. Photo: Aleksander Solum

Seven-year-old Muhamad Hkafizh Arnovan lies restlessly on a bamboo bed, his face to the wall.


It is mid-afternoon, and his friends are outside playing in the fields and farmland that stretch all the way to the horizon. Chickens roam freely amid the abundant fruit trees of the village, tucked away near tranquil Cilacap in the south-western corner of Indonesia.

But the boy wants to be alone – he knows something is wrong, even if he is too young to understand.

Watch: ‘Rurik Jutting is haunting me’: Sumarti Ningsih’s chilling call to father just days before death

Muhamad is the son of Sumarti Ningsih, a young Indonesian woman who was brutally tortured, raped and murdered by British banker Rurik Jutting in Hong Kong two years ago, when he was only five.
