
Woman who tortured Indonesian domestic helper Erwiana Sulistyaningsih released from prison despite serving less than two-thirds of her sentence

  • Law Wan-tung was jailed for six years in February 2015 over abuse that made global headlines and put working conditions of foreign helpers in Hong Kong under spotlight
  • Justice department contacted Lo Wu Correctional Institution as they continue to pursue Law for HK$200,000 over another failed legal action

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Law Wan-tung has been released from Lo Wu Correctional Institution. Photo: Sam Tsang

A Hong Kong employer who made global headlines for torturing Indonesian domestic worker Erwiana Sulistyaningsih has been released early from prison, a court heard on Wednesday.


Yvonne Cheung, a lawyer from the justice department that is pursuing Law Wan-tung for HK$200,000 over another failed legal action, told the High Court they had not been able to “ascertain her whereabouts”.

Law was jailed for six years and fined HK$15,000 in February 2015 after being found guilty of assaulting Erwiana and another Indonesian helper, Tutik Lestari Ningsih, while they were in her employment.

Prison inmates can earn a one-third deduction on their sentence through good behaviour, but it remains unclear why Law served less than four years behind bars.

Indonesian domestic worker Erwiana Sulistyaningsih (right) with her supporters outside Wan Chai District Court following the sentencing of her former employer Law Wan-tung.
Indonesian domestic worker Erwiana Sulistyaningsih (right) with her supporters outside Wan Chai District Court following the sentencing of her former employer Law Wan-tung.

“She was released a few months ago,” Cheung said, adding the department had found out when they called the Lo Wu Correctional Institution, where Law had been jailed.
