Hong Kong logs first cases of evictions ahead of subdivided-flats clampdown
Secretary for Housing Winnie Ho says complaints allege landlords evicted tenants in anticipation of government’s clampdown on subpar flats

Hong Kong authorities have learned of cases of subdivided-flat tenants allegedly being evicted due to landlords renovating the homes ahead of a government clampdown on subpar housing, a minister has said.
Secretary for Housing Winnie Ho Wing-yin said it was the first time the Rating and Valuation Department had received such complaints, which were filed on Thursday, with the landlords involved in the two cases suspected of kicking out tenants in anticipation of the new regulations.
Ho stressed the proposed regulations were still undergoing consultation and would be subject to changes ahead of their passage into law.
“We are in the consultation period. [The requirements raised in the consultation paper] are just the government’s suggestions,” she told a radio programme on Saturday.
“Will the Legislative Council have other suggestions for us to amend? Everyone should wait until the bill is ready.”
Even after the bill became law, landlords would still have time to fix their properties under the government’s proposed grace period, she added.