
Hong Kong fashion retailers set to take hit from Taobao’s free apparel-shipping service

  • No delivery charges for purchases adding up to 99 yuan (HK$107) or more, with service beginning on August 1 and also covering Macau and Taiwan

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Taobao’s recent 618 shopping festival in June will be followed by a free apparel-delivery service in Hong Kong to be launched on August 1. Photo: Simon Song
Local clothing retailers are set to take another hit as mainland China’s leading online shopping platform Taobao will ship apparel items for free to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan from next month.

The “Global Free Shipping for Clothing” programme will first cover the three markets in August, with Taobao aiming to expand it to Australia by the end of the year and gradually go global.

According to Taobao, there will be no delivery charges on orders from Hong Kong with a total amount of 99 yuan or HK$107 (US$14) or more, beginning on August 1.

It also highlighted a “zero returns and zero refunds” policy, saying it would deal with any returns and further costs beyond the expense that merchants incurred from sending items to the firm’s mainland warehouses.

The free shipping service mainly covers 16 types of men’s and women’s clothing, including shoes, handbags, sports shoes, outdoor bags or accessories.
