
Third major storm in two weeks due to hit Hong Kong by Sunday, weather officials say

A tracking map from the Hong Kong Observatory shows a typhoon making landfall on Sunday afternoon

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A beach raft that washed ashore in Shek O after Severe Tropical Storm Pakhar hit Hong Kong on Sunday. Phone: Nora Tam

The Hong Kong Observatory will consider issuing a tropical cyclone signal No 1 on Friday as a tropical depression moves closer to the city.


Acting senior scientific officer Pan Chi-kin said on Thursday: “When the tropical cyclone takes on a more definite northerly track and it gets closer to the coast of Guangdong, the Observatory will consider issuing the standby signal No 1 during the day [on Friday],” he said.

Pan said it was too early to tell if the Observatory would issue a warning signal No 8 or above this weekend, saying it would depend on the path the cyclone takes as it approaches Guangdong and the Pearl River Estuary.

Meanwhile, neighbouring Macau’s weather authority issued a typhoon alert signal No 1 at 7pm on Thursday.


A map from the National Meteorological Centre predicted a typhoon near Hong Kong on Sunday morning, while a tracking map from the Hong Kong Observatory showed a typhoon making landfall in the afternoon on the east of the city on the same day.
