The lives of others: where Hong Kong’s wealth abandons those without shelter
Glass skyscrapers and the latest luxury cars exist side-by-side with a growing number of people who live under bridges, in subway tunnels and parks.
In a city packed with the symbols of wealth, from glass skyscrapers to the latest luxury cars, there are a growing number who live hidden under bridges, in subway tunnels or in parks.
In fact the number of homeless people in the city hit a record high last year, almost tripling over the past decade from 600 in 2004 to 1,614 in October 2015.
Some build structures out of unwanted furniture and cardboard as protection from the wind and rain after the cost of housing rose to unaffordable levels. There are also about 250 people who have taken refuge in 24-hour fast food restaurants, earning the grim nickname “McRefugees”.
Post photographer Felix Wong captured life of those less fortunate residents forced onto the city’s streets.