
Family of 'big-hearted billionaire' who owned Bruce Lee’s Hong Kong mansion in dispute over will

Billionaire left his estate to charitable trust, says grandson in High Court writ that challenges claims by uncle and cousin

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A woman walks past Bruce Lee's old home in Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong. Photo: AFP

Late billionaire Yu Pang-lin, who tried to turn one of his properties – kung fu legend Bruce Lee’s former Hong Kong mansion – into a museum before he died left all his assets to charity, according to a court document.


His grandson Pang Chi-ping filed a writ in the High Court yesterday asking the court to declare that the will made on July 21, 2011, was valid and should be executed.

The court action puts Pang at odds with his uncle Pang Ah-fan and cousin Pang San-hon, who each filed a caveat challenging the will to the court in September and November respectively.


Pang said the will left all the estate “both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever to ... the [charitable trust]” that he established in January 2009. He appointed Pang Chi-ping as a trustee last year.

READ MORE: List of Fury: 75 things you didn’t know about Bruce Lee
