On This Day | Hong Kong’s return to China endorsed as Sino-British Joint Declaration is signed – from the SCMP archive
In 1984, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her Chinese counterpart Zhao Ziyang signed paper that paved way for Hong Kong’s return to China

This article was first published on December 20, 1984.
By Timothy Jim
A stroke of a pen and it’s all over
Hongkong entered a new era at 5.30 pm today.
With a stroke of the pen, the Prime Minister, Mrs Margaret Thatcher, officially endorsed the return of Hongkong to China — to take effect after 155 years of British rule over the territory.
Within six months, the agreement will take official effect and a joint liaison group will be formed to oversee the transfer of sovereignty on July 1, 1997.
Both Chinese and British leaders hailed today’s signing as a fresh example for the solution through peaceful negotiation of problems between nations that are left over from history.
Nearly all influential members of the Chinese Politburo attended the signing ceremony in the western main hall of the Great Hall of the People.