Opinion | Congratulations to Hong Kong’s new lawmakers ... now do your duty with humility
Enough of the flying bananas and filibustering, people want to see the legislature working in harmony
This week witnesses the inauguration of the city’s newly elected Legislative Council.
Let me, through this column, congratulate each and every one of the honourable members, who were successfully sworn in, on winning their seats either in geographical or functional constituencies to serve us on the council.
They are highly paid and their task ahead is tough. Their powers and functions are enshrined in article 73 of the Basic Law.
The ambit of these powers and functions – encompassing 10 areas of specific duties and responsibilities – is extensive enough to enable legislators to listen to the aspirations of the people, to know the mood of our time, and to keep the administration on the straight and narrow.
In recent years there has been a certain predictability about our legislature. Frequent filibustering was expected as part of the political paraphernalia of a democratically elected legislature.