
Business chambers liken Occupy Central to Thai protests, say tourism will plummet

The five leading business chambers formed a united front yesterday to oppose Occupy Central, warning that the pro-democracy civil disobedience movement might inflict damage on the city's economy.

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The chambers fear the protests will deter tourists. Photo: Felix Wong

The five leading business chambers formed a united front yesterday to oppose Occupy Central, warning that the pro-democracy civil disobedience movement might inflict damage on the city's economy like that caused by the political protests in Thailand.


"When the red shirts and yellow shirts were … occupying certain parts of Bangkok, tourism numbers began to drop quite quickly," General Chamber of Commerce chairman Pang Yiu-kai said.

But the civil disobedience movement rejected comparison with the Thailand protests, saying it was advocating political reform, not trying to overthrow a government.


The latest move by pro-establishment forces to counter Occupy's plan to blockade roads in Central if Beijing fails to offer a satisfactory electoral reform plan, came after the chamber leaders met the National People's Congress chairman Zhang Dejiang in Shenzhen last week.

Pang, the chief executive of Hongkong Land, which has interests in Central, said tourists were concerned about safety and it was "almost certain" Occupy Central's action would deter them from visiting.
