
‘Developer meetings were not unusual’, Kwok-Hui graft trial hears

Graft trial hears that former chief secretary Rafael Hui met Thomas Kwok over Ma Wan project, but such meetings were normal

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Wong said meetings with developers were normal. Photo: Dickson Lee

Former chief secretary Rafael Hui Si-yan did meet with a Sun Hung Kai Properties co-chairman over a project on Ma Wan, but there was nothing unusual about the city's second-highest government officer meeting property developers, a high-level corruption trial heard yesterday.


Hui's former administrative assistant Adeline Wong Ching-man was responding to a prosecution question about Hui's meeting with Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong on June 5, 2006.

Hui is alleged to have received tens of millions of dollars from SHKP's co-chairmen to be the developer's "eyes and ears" in the government over the West Kowloon arts hub and Ma Wan projects.


Hui, 66, faces eight charges related to bribery and misconduct in public office.

Thomas Kwok, 62, faces one charge of conspiracy to offer an advantage to Hui and two counts of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office. His brother and co-chairman Raymond Kwok Ping-luen, 61, faces four charges, including one with Hui of furnishing false information.
