Measures to save rare dolphins 'not enough'
Advisory board voices concern about lack of action to mitigate impact of third runway
Members of the Country and Marine Parks Board have voiced concerns about the lack of measures to mitigate the negative environmental impact that the construction of the planned third airport runway will bring.
But the park - which will connect the existing Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park with a planned Brothers Island park - will be set up only in 2023, after the runway is built.
At a meeting with the authority's representatives yesterday, members of the advisory body asked if the proposed 2,400-hectare park could be set up earlier, or if a temporary conservation area could be set up during construction, expected to begin in 2016.
"Can we set up a shelter so the dolphins will not be disturbed during construction," board member Ng Cho-nam asked.
Other members expressed concern about whether the authority's experts had assessed if there were undamaged habitats the dolphins could move to.