
Legco's Finance Committee defers votes on landfill extensions

Finance Committee endorses motions to adjourn debate on funding for Tuen Mun and Ta Kwu Ling landfill extensions amid growing opposition

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A protester taking part in a hunger strike outside the Legislative Council against plans to expand landfills. The Finance Committee later voted to defer discussion on the controversial issue. Photo: Felix Wong

Discussion of what officials say are urgently needed extensions to two of Hong Kong's landfills ended abruptly yesterday when legislators decided to defer scrutiny of them.


They did so to give environment officials time to reconsider their plans and consult affected communities.

The deferral by Legco's Finance Committee of plans for the Tuen Mun and Ta Kwu Ling dumps was the second blow to the government. Officials withdrew a similar plan to extend the Tseung Kwan O landfill from Legco's public works subcommittee last month amid strong opposition.


Motions moved by Liberal Party chief James Tien Pei-chun to adjourn the government's requests for HK$35 million for a study of the Tuen Mun extension and HK$7 billion for work at Ta Kwu Ling were passed narrowly by the Finance Committee.

Tien said given the controversy, discussion should be postponed so that the government could have more time to talk to different parties.
