China urges schools to teach AI as tech war and ChatGPT drive demand for talent
Beijing sets goals as primary and secondary schools adopt artificial intelligence curriculum, but some parents question quality of courses

The Ministry of Education has asked the schools to improve AI education to “meet China’s future demand for innovative talent” and improve students’ digital skills and problem-solving abilities, according to a ministry circular released last week.
More than 500 Chinese universities and colleges have rolled out an AI major since 2018, a year after Beijing unveiled a plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence.
The education ministry said AI courses should be launched “systematically” and included as a factor when evaluating schools.
Pupils in lower primary school should gain experience and develop basic ideas about AI, while those in higher grades should understand and learn to apply the technology. In senior high school, the focus should be on “innovative projects with the application of AI”, the circular states.