Mystery around China’s new science and tech body a sign of secrecy to come, analysts say
- Communist Party commission to take over planning and policy for sensitive sectors, but debut is hushed and members not yet known
- Analysts say rivalry with US, espionage fears and possible military links could explain Beijing’s reticence about powerful group and science strategy

The founding of China’s new top science and technology planner – a Communist Party body at the core of Beijing’s technology competition with Washington – went quietly.
While the other new groups debuted with official media coverage, the commission’s first meeting went unreported. MOST said it held a study session on July 10 to carry through the “spirit” of the commission meeting, but it gave few details beyond that.
It remains a mystery who headed or attended the meeting, and no details have been revealed about when or where it took place or what was discussed.
Analysts pointed to a wide range of factors behind Beijing’s secrecy, including worries about policy pressure from Washington, fears about espionage and potential links between the commission and the People’s Liberation Army.