
Donald Trump tweets that a US-China trade deal is ‘very close’, buoying stock market

  • ‘They want it, and so do we!’ the US president says in his Twitter post, sending the S&P 500 surging to a record high
  • Tweet comes with 15 per cent tariffs on US$156 billion of Chinese imports slated to go into effect on Sunday

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US President Donald Trump has tweeted that the US and China are “very close” to setting an interim deal that would halt the 17-month-old trade war. Photo: Reuters

Washington and Beijing are “very close” to reaching a deal that would halt the 17-month-old tariff battle between the world’s two biggest economies, US President Donald Trump said in a Twitter post on Thursday.


“Getting VERY close to a BIG DEAL with China,” Trump said in his tweet. “They want it, and so do we!” he added.

He did not elaborate. The promise of at least a ceasefire in the prolonged trade war delighted the investment community, as stocks surged soon after the tweet, with the S&P 500 hitting a record high.


Trump’s comments come amid a flurry of reports that a tariff hike slated to go into effect on Sunday will not go ahead.
