
Han Zheng: the Chinese technocrat who rose to the top by staying afloat

Shanghai party chief Han Zheng has survived scandal and disaster to take a place at the highest rungs of power

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Han Zheng has a reputation as a capable technocrat. Illustration: Henry Wong
Daniel Renin Shanghai

Han Zheng is one of the new members of the Communist Party’s Politburo Standing Committee. Here we examine his path to a seat at the innermost decision-making body:


If Shanghai Communist Party boss Han Zheng has proved anything over the past decade it is that he knows how to navigate choppy waters.

In 2008, Han, then the financial hub’s mayor, looked to be heading for the exit rather than the highest reaches of power, as his immediate boss was ordered to serve 18 years behind bars for his role in the city’s pension fund scandal.


Han had been the youngest person to become Shanghai’s mayor in 2003 but just five years later the mild-mannered teetotaller was rumoured to be on his way to another provincial job in the scandal’s fallout.

Instead, Yu Zhengsheng, Shanghai’s then replacement party chief, encouraged the powers that be in Beijing to keep Han on and eventually succeed him.
