
Miners’ protest: ailing Chinese coal firm Heilongjiang Longmay told to pay workers

Biggest coal enterprise in China’s northeast plans to lay off up to 100,000 workers to cut overcapacity, but has yet to pay many of them

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A Chinese man collects low-grade coal on the outskirts of a city in China’s northern Heilongjiang province. Photo: EPA
Zhuang Pinghuiin Beijing

The government of northernmost Heilongjiang province has vowed to “financially support” a struggling state-owned coal firm after miners went to the streets to protest over unpaid wages.


Governor Lu Hao said on Saturday that his government would continue to support Heilongjiang Longmay Mining Holding Group but also ordered the firm to pay its miners their overdue salaries, a government statement said.

It was the first time Lu, who is in Beijing for the annual National People’s Congress, has acknowledged backpay problems at Longmay, the biggest coal enterprise in China’s northeast.

READ MORE: The chill wind blowing through China’s ailing coal industry

Lu’s promise came hours after miners and their families took to the streets in Shuangyashan to demand their wages.


Videos online showed angry miners holding banners and shouting slogans. One banner read: “We want to live. We want to eat.” A video showed the miners being dispersed by armed police.
