
Beijing invokes immunity for consulate staff over fatal Cebu shooting

Beijing shields witnesses and suspects involved in fatal Cebu shooting from local authorities

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A police investigator inspects the crime scene where Chinese consul general Song Ronghua was wounded after a shooting incident at a restaurant, in Cebu City, central Philippines. Photo: AFP

Beijing invoked diplomatic immunity for its consulate staff in Cebu City in the Philippines who were involved in Wednesday's fatal shooting, local officials said. At least one of the two suspects is also a Chinese diplomat.


Consul general Song Ronghua, who was shot in the neck, remained in stable condition yesterday. The two diplomats killed in the attack were the consulate's No 2, Sun Shan, and finance officer Li Hui.

An investigator told the that another, unidentified consular officer was hit by a ricocheting bullet and wounded slightly near the spine. She went to hospital but was released after receiving a tetanus shot.

Guo Jing, a visa section consul, and her husband, Li Qingliang, were taken into custody.
