How to take Taiwan: mainland China show imagines what a PLA attack may look like
Large-scale helicopter assault, long-range rockets and sophisticated electronic warfare by naval forces highlighted in evening documentary

The latest episode of documentary series Quenching on Monday night included footage of exercises by People’s Liberation Army’s ground forces, navy and a rocket brigade, as well as a full account of how a landing would be achieved.

Among the featured operations were a large-scale helicopter air assault by the ground force’s aviation unit, an aircraft carrier strike group’s anti-access electronic countermeasures, and a long-range rocket fire covering drill.
The 20-minute programme opened with a soldier expressing a nostalgic longing for a unified country and lamenting that the island of Taiwan and the mainland remain separated.
The programme then gave details of how reconnaissance and strike drones would be used to help the helicopters deliver landing troops to the island. Beijing regards Taiwan as part of its territory, to be brought under mainland control by force, if necessary.
The documentary showed the PLA dispatching high altitude surveillance drones at the start of the simulated operation while helicopters flew near sea level to get frogmen as close as possible to the shore of the targeted landing areas.