Has Trump created an opening for China by quitting WHO and Paris Agreement?
China appears poised to lead climate initiatives but will struggle to fill vacuum in public health as US leaves frameworks, analysts say

They added that while China appeared poised to lead global climate initiatives, its potential to gain influence in the WHO’s public health governance was limited.
On the Paris Agreement, Trump told supporters on Monday that “the United States will not sabotage its own industries while China pollutes with impunity”. Nearly 200 countries have signed the international climate change treaty to work together to limit global warming.
Meanwhile, the withdrawal from the WHO was “due to the organisation’s mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic that arose out of Wuhan, China, and other global health crises”, according to the order. It added that the agency was “unable to demonstrate independence from political influences”.
In response, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Guo Jiakun said on Tuesday that China was “concerned” about Trump’s decision on the Paris Agreement. He added that China would work to address climate change and promote the global green transition and low-carbon transition.