
New | Chinese man caught with dead Siberian tiger in car

Ex-chef detained after policemen catch him moving male tiger's corpse into SUV, but another suspect escaped

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A Sina Weibo photo shows an officer arresting a suspect along a highway on suspicion of killing a tiger. Photo: SCMP Pictures

Police in the eastern city of Wenzhou have detained a suspect in connection with the killing of a Siberian tiger.


Local police said the suspect is a former chef, according to Hangzhou-based newspaper .

Suspicious about the cargo, the two officers, who happened to drive by the area, pulled over and ordered the two men to open the bag for inspection. The object turned out to be a dead tiger.


Police arrested the ex-chef, while the other suspect fled from the scene and is still at large.

Initial examinations by forestry department specialists found that the adult tiger, weighing about 150kg, was a male Siberian tiger aged between five and six years old. Traces of blood were seen near its mouth, though there were no other apparent wounds on the animal’s body.
