
Saudi Arabia accuses Australia of ‘sympathising’ with Christchurch mosque killer

  • Earlier this week, Australia led a coalition of countries condemning Saudi Arabia over a raft of human rights abuses, including the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
  • The Saudi ambassador, Abdulaziz Alwasil, in response launched an extraordinary broadside, targeting Australia and highlighting ‘radicalism against Muslims, xenophobia, racism’

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A Muslim worshipper prays at a makeshift memorial at the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch. Photo: EPA
Saudi Arabia has accused the Australian government of racism and of supporting anti-Islamic terrorists like the alleged Christchurch shooter, in an extraordinary dispute that has erupted at the United Nations.
Earlier this week, Australia led a coalition of countries condemning Saudi Arabia over a raft of human rights abuses, including arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

Australia’s ambassador to the UN, Sally Mansfield, delivered a statement on behalf of 24 nations to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, excoriating the Saudi kingdom for systematic violence and human rights abuses, particularly against those who oppose the ruling regime.

The Australian mission to the UN was a key drafter and organiser of the statement. Other backers of the statement included the UK, Canada, Germany and New Zealand.
