
Christchurch mosque gunman Brenton Tarrant's ‘hateful’ letter from jail ends up on 4chan

  • The six-page handwritten letter, which appeared this week on website 4chan, contained language that would be construed by white supremacists as a call to arms
  • The Corrections Department acknowledged the letter from the Australian national, who is accused of attacking two mosques, should have been ‘withheld’

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New Zealand Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis. Photo: New Zealand Herald

New Zealand prison officials on Wednesday admitted they made a mistake by allowing an accused terrorist to send a letter that contained language that would be construed by white supremacists as a call to arms.

The six-page letter from Brenton Tarrant, accused of attacking two Christchurch mosques, was posted this week on the website 4chan, which has become notorious as a place for white supremacists to publicise their views. And it comes at a sensitive time, with other alleged killers from El Paso to Norway citing Tarrant as an inspiration.

The letter appeared to be written in pencil on a small notepad and was addressed to “Alan” in ­Russia.

On review, we acknowledge that this letter should have been withheld.
NZ Corrections Department

Much of it appears to be relatively innocuous, discussing a one-month trip Tarrant says he took to Russia in 2015. But the letter also warns that a “great conflict” is coming and uses language that could be construed as a call to arms.
