
New Zealand finds botulism signs in milk products

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Cows are seen at a barn on a farm managed by New Zealand dairy export giant Fonterra Co-operative Group in Hangu County. Photo: Reuters

New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra announced on Saturday that tests of some ingredients used in infant formula and sports drinks have turned up a type of bacteria that could cause botulism, and customers were urgently checking their supply chains.


The company is the world’s fourth-largest dairy company, with annual revenues of about US$16 billion (HK124 billion).

The news comes as a blow to New Zealand’s dairy industry, which powers the country’s economy. New Zealand exports about 95 per cent of its milk.


Consumers in China and elsewhere are willing to pay a big premium for New Zealand infant formula because the country has a clean and healthy reputation. Chinese consumers have a special interest after tainted local milk formula killed six babies in 2008.

The Centers for Disease Control describes botulism as a rare but sometimes fatal paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin.
