
Kuala Lumpur and Singapore break into world’s top 10 for most Instagrammable food places

UK-based travel company Hoppa ranked the most popular countries on Instagram based on the number of selfies, scenery, food, couple and sexually suggestive pictures taken at each location. Photo: Singapore Press Holdings

Malaysians and Singaporeans both take pride in their countries being food paradises, and a recent study suggests travellers might also think the same.

In fact, the cities of Kuala Lumpur and Singapore have been ranked seventh and eighth respectively among the most Instagrammed food places in the world.

The rankings were released by UK-based travel company Hoppa, on its list of the world’s 50 most Instagrammed locations for 2019, compiled by studying hashtags of holiday images posted on Instagram.

The company ranked the most popular countries on Instagram based on the number of selfies, scenery, food, couple and sexually suggestive pictures taken at each location.

Singapore and Kuala Lumpur are new to the list as neither were recognised for their Instagrammable food in the same study conducted by Hoppa in 2016.

Tokyo topped the Instagrammable food rankings, followed by Taipei and Doha. Other locations that made the list include Istanbul, Osaka, Bangkok, Abu Dhabi and Melbourne.

Photo: Hoppa

Kuala Lumpur wasn’t just recognised for its appealing food. The city also ranked fourth in the list of scenic posts on Instagram.

Photo: Hoppa

Berlin, Shanghai and Seoul were the most popular in the selfie category, while Dubai, Mumbai and France took the top spots in the couples category.

According to Hoppa, the highest number of sexually suggestive pictures were taken in Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong and Caracas, Venezuela.

Despite not having a place in more than one subcategory, Singapore came in 14th with close to 40 million hashtagged pictures on Instagram. Kuala Lumpur placed 39th, with about 10 million hashtagged pictures.

Graph: Hoppa

Both cities ranked lower than in Hoppa’s previous study in 2016, when Singapore and Kuala Lumpur ranked 12th and 29th respectively.

With nearly 120 million hashtagged pictures on Instagram, London was the most Instagrammed location in 2019 “despite uncertainty in the United Kingdom about Brexit”, Hoppa said.

Paris and New York City trailed in second and third place, with about 100 million and a little over 80 million hashtagged pictures respectively.

This article originally appeared on Business Insider.

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  • The 50 most Instagrammed locations for 2019 were compiled by UK travel company Hoppa by studying hashtags of holiday images posted on Instagram