Meet Jennifer Lawrence’s make-up artist Hung Vanngo: the Vietnamese former refugee is now every celeb’s go-to for red carpet events, from Selena Gomez to J.Lo, and works with Marc Jacobs and L’Oréal
- The former refugee almost died escaping Vietnam in the 1980s after his boat capsized, but now he’s on every Hollywood starlet’s speed dial thanks to his talent for painting faces
- Hung says he’s had to overcome discrimination from his family for his choice of profession, and on gay dating apps for being Asian, but throws himself into his work where he feels ‘most loved’
You know you’re good at your job as a make-up artist when Jennifer Lawrence calls you a “plastic surgeon” for the looks you’re able to create. In a recent interview with her pal Kylie Jenner in Interview magazine, J Law refuted rumours she’s had work done, instead giving major props to her Vietnamese make-up artist.
So who exactly is Hung Vanngo, and how did he become one of Hollywood’s most celebrated make up artists?
Hung Vanngo is a refugee from Vietnam
That Hung Vanngo made it to the US at all, let alone Hollywood, is something of a miracle. In 1987, following the Vietnam war, his mother made the difficult decision to put three of her youngest children – including Hung – on a tiny migrant boat bound for the US. But the boat capsized and the siblings ended up on the shores of Thailand, almost dying struggling through mudflats, according to an interview Hung did with The Globe and Mail.
Incredibly, the siblings survived and made it to a refugee camp where they remained for three years. It was only when a Canadian charity worker decided to sponsor them that the children finally made it to that country in 1990.