
K-pop star Eunhyuk of Super Junior takes a walk around Singapore — and his fans didn't even notice

K-pop’s Super Junior star Lee Hyuk-jae wears a hat and mask in Instagram photos as he uses public transport such as the Mass Rail Transit (right) while travelling alone in Singapore. Photos: Instagram/Eunhyukee44

Have you ever fantasised about a meet cute with your favourite South Korean idol?

Well, fans of the K-pop boy band Super Junior are kicking themselves for missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime, after one member of the popular group revealed that he toured Singapore’s sights alone on public transport.

Several photos posted on Instagram, show that singer and songwriter Eunhyuk appeared to have embarked on a tour of the city state unmolested by fans.

The group was in Singapore last week weekend to perform at HallyuPopFest 2019.

Eunhyuk, 33, whose real name is Lee Hyuk-jae, posted images of himself on Monday at a local bus stop and later on the upper deck of a mostly empty bus, with the captions “tour Singapore” and “Love you la SingaporeELF”, which is a reference to local fans of the group.


He also took photos of his reflection at Promenade Mass Rapid Transport station, dressed in a T-shirt, shorts, a hat and wearing a disposable surgical mask.

In another photo, he is holding a brochure for the local tour company DUCKtours, with Suntec City circled in pen on the tour map.

According to his photos, the star appears to have visited tourist destinations such as St Andrew’s Cathedral, the Padang and Clarke Quay.

Fans of the group left hundreds of comments on the posts, with many expressing great dismay that they had been in the same locations as the star on the day but had failed to spot him.


“He took the bus and MRT alone in Singapore … Nobody saw him walking around today? He’s like a free man,” one user said.

Others called the star “down to earth” and “a true tourist”.

“He even took the Downtown Line,” one user said. “He got the full experience”.

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This article originally appeared on Business Insider.

K-pop idols
  • The singer-songwriter, 33, whose real name is Lee Hyuk-jae, posts Instagram photos as he dons hat and mask to travel to visitor spots during group’s trip to give a concert