
From Amsterdam to Zanzibar: eco-friendly tips from zero-waste travel experts

Always return your hotel key, otherwise, the hotel has to make a new one and you will be left with plastic waste. Photos: Pexels/Freepik
Always return your hotel key, otherwise, the hotel has to make a new one and you will be left with plastic waste. Photos: Pexels/Freepik

Travelling creates a lot of waste, but you can take steps to reduce that

Travel is a pursuit that involves a great deal of waste. From plastic hotel toiletries to the airline’s single-serve complimentary drink service, it can be easy to create a tonne of trash before even arriving at your destination. But it doesn’t have to be. Planning ahead before your travels and being mindful during your work conference or holiday can lessen your ecological footprint at any given destination. We spoke to some zero waste experts and asked them to share their top tips on how to be as environmentally conscious as possible while travelling. So before you head off on your next trip, follow these tips and tricks to pack with a purpose and travel green.

Hannah Chung of Zero Waste Challenge

One of the OG Zero Waste Heroes of Hong Kong, Hannah Chung began documenting her zero-waste adventures on social media, @thezerowastechallenge, where she regularly shares how she stays waste-free.


“Buy a discounted Airport Express ticket via booking platform Klook and scan through the barriers with a QR code – easy and paper-free.

“Carry reusable cutlery (chopsticks and spoon only – my fork confiscated at security once), reusable box, metal straw and water bottle for eating on the go.

“Bring shampoo bars, conditioner bars, and soap so that they’re package- and fuss-free. I also bring a bamboo toothbrush and toothy tabs from Lush instead of toothpaste – they’re little tablets you chew that will turn foamy when you start brushing. Return the bottles back to Lush where they can handle the recycling.”

Bring your own chopsticks and spoon for green travelling.
Bring your own chopsticks and spoon for green travelling.

Adam Broadbent of ZuBlu 

The founder of ZuBlu, Asia’s leading dive travel company showcasing sustainable business practices and supporting local conservation efforts, Adam Broadbent knows a thing or two about travelling light and responsibly before and during your excursions.

“A couple days before travel, put your home ‘to sleep’. Check your fridge for any perishable foods and make meal plans accordingly rather than chucking them out during your mad rush to the airport. Turn off all devices and plugs – even TVs on standby will consume energy.