
Meet Rory Gates, who was just invited to the White House with mum Melinda French Gates: Bill Gates’ 25-year-old son grew up in a US$150 million mansion – but won’t inherit much

Philantropist Melinda French Gates and Rory Gates arrive at the Booksellers Room for the state dinner with the Kenyan president at the White House in Washington DC, on May 23. Photo: AFP
Rory John Gates, the only son of Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda French Gates, made a rare public appearance when he arrived arm-in-arm with his mother to the White House state dinner on Thursday. The event also coincidently marked his 25th birthday.
Bill and Melinda Gates and their children back in the day. Photo: Melinda French Gates/Facebook
Born on May 23, 1999, Rory grew up in a massive mansion dubbed Xanadu 2.0 with his two sisters: Jennifer, 28, and Phoebe, 21.

In a 2017 essay that Melinda wrote for Time, she described her son as “compassionate and curious”.

Rory appears to lead a low-key life with private social media accounts, an obsession with puzzles – and a close relationship with his mum.

Here’s what you need to know about the man who might one day lead Microsoft.

How did Rory Gates and his sisters grow up?

Melinda French Gates with baby Rory back in the day. Photo: Melinda French Gates/Facebook

Growing up, Bill and Melinda Gates gave their kids a 66,000-sq-ft dream house. Nicknamed Xanadu 2.0, the ultra-luxurious US$150 million lakefront mansion in Medina, Washington had just about every amenity you could imagine, including a trampoline room, a pool and its own artificial beach with sand flown in from the Caribbean islands.

Despite the luxurious lifestyle, Bill and Melinda made sure their three kids observed their set of rules: they didn’t get mobile phones until the age of 14 and had to wash the dishes every night. Even when they finally got their own mobile phones, they came with strict limitations – phones were forbidden at the dinner table and screen time was limited.

“We often set a time after which there is no screen time, and in their case, that helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour,” Bill told The Mirror in 2017. “You’re always looking at how it can be used in a great way – homework and staying in touch with friends – and also where it has gotten to excess.”

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Bill revealed that his family regularly attends church. “We’ve raised our kids in a religious way. They’ve gone to the Catholic Church that Melinda goes to and I participate in,” he said.

The billionaire also noted that his philanthropy centres on reducing global inequality – a cause Rory has reportedly picked up from his parents.

How was Rory Gates educated?

Duke University. Photo: @Duke University/Facebook

Rory attended the elite private/independent school Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington, like his dad, and then pursued a bachelor’s degree in computer software engineering and economics at Duke University, like his mother. His educational journey then took him to Fuqua School of Business, where he got his MBA degree, following exactly in his mother’s educational footsteps.

Melinda describes her time at Duke University as “some of the best years of my life” and even gave the university a US$20 million in 1998 for a “pioneering academic programme expanding teaching and research across traditional disciplinary boundaries”. Bill and Melinda also donated US$10 million in 2008 to “support scholarships for undergraduates and business school student”, according to the Gates Foundation website.

Rory Gates and his mother Melinda Gates. Photo: @MelindaFrenchGates/Instagram

In her personal essay for Time, Melinda spoke about raising Rory as a feminist, saying he doesn’t shy away from discussing gender equality.

“My son told me he thinks that standing up to unfair norms is nothing more than exactly what men everywhere should be doing. Yes, he recognises that the more entrenched the norms, the more courage it takes to confront them. But he also believes that it’s a universal responsibility and one that he’s already striving to uphold in his own life,” wrote Melinda in the essay.

What was Rory Gates’ life at the University of Chicago like?

Rory Gates (left) and other students on the University of Chicago Moot Court Team in a photo posted in November 2018. Photo: @University of Chicago Moot Court Team/Facebook
In 2022, he graduated from the University of Chicago, where he appears to have been active in moot court, based on a photo posted on Facebook. At the time of his graduation, his sister Jennifer Gates Nassar wrote that he had achieved a double major and master’s degree.

According to The Chicago Tribune, Bill and Melinda bought a US$1.25 million five-bedroom house in Chicago’s South Side Hyde Park neighbourhood in 2018. At 3,000 sq ft, the property is several square feet shy of Rory’s childhood home. It features a brick facade, two terraces and a detached three-and-a-half-car garage.

What is Rory Gates doing now?

Rory Gates with a dog. Photo: @jenniferkgates/Instagram
Little is publicly known about what the middle Gates child has been up to since he graduated, but a Puck report from last year gave some clues, claiming that he is seen as a “rich target for Democratic social climbers, influence-peddlers, and all variety of money chasers”. According to OpenSecrets, his most recent public giving was to Nikki Haley last year. The same report says he works as a congressional analyst while also completing a doctorate.
While Bill is reportedly planning to give a relatively paltry inheritance to his three children, telling The Daily Mail in 2011 that he will leave a “minuscule portion” for them, Melinda reportedly wants to increase their kid’s inheritance, according to Page Six.

Only time will tell if Rory gets millions or billions.

Additional reporting by Sumnima Kandangwa and Business Insider

  • Rory Gates is the only son of Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda French Gates, alongside his sisters Jennifer Nassar Gates and Phoebe Gates
  • He graduated from the University of Chicago in 2022 and keeps a low profile – but he did recently give funds to former US presidential hopeful, Nikki Haley