
Museum Lichtspiele in Munich, decorated in homage to the film Rocky Horror Picture Show. Photo: Stephen McCarty

Why you should visit Rocky Horror enclave Museum Lichtspiele, in Munich

Munich’s gloriously camp Museum Lichtspiele, which has been playing The Rocky Horror Picture Show almost continually since 1977, is a celebration of German kink camaraderie

6 hours ago
How would you spend a gap year? Draw inspiration from these 6 travel podcasts. Photo: Shutterstock

6 podcasts about gap years to stir your wanderlust

A professional cricketer and candidates for Mensa and a Mars mission offer entertaining perspectives, while elsewhere there is more cogent advice for those tempted to do it themselves

26 Jul 2024 - 6:00AM
A lunch spread with classic Parisian views over La Conciergerie from the terrace of Le Tout-Paris. Photo: Chris Dwyer

Where to eat in Paris during the 2024 Olympic Games this summer

If you’re in Paris for the 2024 Olympics this summer, avoid the tourist-trap restaurants and indulge in sumptuous French fare at these upscale eateries and historic bistros

24 Jul 2024 - 4:00AM
Eel Pie Island, seen from Twickenham, West London, is a throwback San Francisco-on-the-Thames only open two or three times a year and home to a bohemian assortment of creatives. Photo: Stephen McCarty

What to know about Eel Pie, the London island still moored in the 1960s

Come at just the right time and you may be able to enjoy its eclectic charms and even buy unique pottery or a painted souvenir of your brush with a place wilfully out of step with the rest of the world

23 Jul 2024 - 4:00PM
Chikurin-Ji temple, daishi-do and pagoda at Chikurinji, Japan. Photo: Handout

Samurai’s footsteps: Ryoma Sakamoto’s historic escape route on Shikoku Island

Escaping his overlord to spread the imperial gospel, Sakamoto Ryoma couldn’t stop to smell the flowers … but you can, on a wilderness walking tour with Walk Japan that follows his path

22 Jul 2024 - 2:53PM
Naomi Hotta is one of a number of Asian women who have spent time navigating the codes of the often seedy world of Buenos Aires’ milongas, but here she enjoys returning to the floor at a relatively relaxed afternoon dance. Photo: Kicci Tommasi

Why more Asian women are flocking to Buenos Aires’ milongas for tango

An unspoken invitation to press themselves close to a stranger for a tanda, or set of dances, may stop there, but those that navigate the codes and the dance floor well enough may find further invitations

18 Jul 2024 - 7:00PM
A Tale of Two Resorts: Waldorf Astoria Maldives Ithaafushi and Raffles Maldives Meradhoo, which is the right stay for you? Pictured: Raffles Maldives Meradhoo

Review | Waldorf Astoria vs Raffles Meradhoo – which is the Maldives’ best resort?

Two luxe 5-star resorts in the Maldives offer their own approach to island life – but both have sumptuous villas, delicious food, relaxing spas, and plenty of sun, sand and surf

13 Jul 2024 - 8:45AM
Thanks to the arrival of Chinese motorcycles, locals enjoy newfound mobility around Dolpo, part of the rugged region of Dolpa, the largest, but third-most sparsely peopled of Nepal’s 77 districts. However looming potholes on the road to development include concerns about noise and pollution. Photo: Neelima Vallangi

Trading mushrooms for motorbikes spells change for Nepal’s remote Dolpo

Yarsagumba fungus has boasted incomes in the region and paid for Chinese motorbikes and other mod cons, but will authorities be wise enough to recognise looming potholes on the road to development?

13 Jul 2024 - 8:15AM
Can you pronounce Leicester properly? Photo: Shutterstock

How to say place names most get wrong like Laos, Oaxaca, Leicester

Think you can pronounce these hard-to-say countries, cities and other places? Try your hand at Phuket, New Orleans, Leicester, Reykjavík, Kaohsiung, Laos, Yosemite, Oaxaca, Edinburgh and more.

5 Jul 2024 - 6:59PM
Cape Hedo is the northernmost tip of Okinawa. A road trip around the Japanese island reveals why locals consider themselves apart from the rest of Japan. Photo: Fiona Ching

A road trip around Okinawa: it ‘isn’t real Japan’, its people say

A road trip around Okinawa reveals why locals consider themselves apart from the rest of Japan, with its history and cuisine moulded by a rich Ryukyu past and South Pacific sensitivities.

7 Jul 2024 - 3:46PM
Ote village, in Corsica, France. Photo: Tim Pile

Corsica by road: rugged scenery, traces of Napoleon, aggressive drivers

French island has a lot to offer – jagged mountains, beaches, quaint villages, the house where Napoleon grew up – and renting a car is a good way to see it if you don’t mind hairy roads and aggressive drivers.

23 Jun 2024 - 4:15PM
The century-old offices of a Greek company, incongruously Mediterranean beside a lake in Mengzi, Yunnan. Photo: Peter Neville-Hadley

‘A piece of China mislaid’: traces of treaty port past in Mengzi, Yunnan

Once home to a sizeable European population, the backwater of Mengzi in Yunnan, southwest China, retains charming remnants of its early 20th century heyday.

22 Jun 2024 - 11:15AM
A tourist in Banff, Canada. Interest in “coolcations” – holidays in cooler places – is growing as climate breakdown pushes summer temperatures to record highs from Southeast Asia to Europe. Photo: Shutterstock

Destinations known | ‘Coolcations’ trending as climate breakdown impacts holidaymakers

With temperatures exceeding 38 degrees Celsius from Thailand to Greece and too little being done to slow climate breakdown, holidaymakers are looking for cooler places to visit.

21 Jun 2024 - 2:13PM
A Chinese high-speed train waits at Kunming South Railway Station. Photo: Kristin Odebjer

Hong Kong-Chiang Mai trip shows benefits of Belt and Road Initiative

Instead of flying from Hong Kong to Chiang Mai, the Post sets out to test infrastructure in Southeast Asia built under China’s Belt and Road Initiative. All goes well until we slip up and resort to van and bus.

17 Jun 2024 - 12:30PM
Wei Li on the banks of River Kaveri at Mysore. Photo: Abhishek Chinappa

How laid-back Mysore became the yoga capital of India

The laid-back southern Indian city of Mysore attracts aspiring yogis from around the world, who are drawn by its culture, history and expert community of yoga practitioners.

21 Jun 2024 - 4:45PM
Old and new architecture in Baku, Azerbaijan. Photo: Sundeep Kumar

Baku, Azerbaijan’s capital, where Asian and European cultures collide

The vibrant culture of Baku, Azerbaijan’s biggest city, reflects influences from the Islamic world, Soviet Russia and Europe. Bad traffic, pollution, and the price of hotel rooms may put off some visitors.

15 Jun 2024 - 8:18AM
A tourist from Thailand poses on the Mount Fuji Dream Bridge in Fuji City, where authorities plan to erect a fence to stop visitors blocking the road to snap their dream photo. Photo: EPA-EFE

Destinations known | Might AI divert elsewhere the selfie takers making some Japanese sick?

Authorities around Japan’s Mt Fuji are fighting back against tourists all after the same photos, who make residents’ lives hell. In the Philippines, it is travellers who must face the hell of its main airport.

15 Jun 2024 - 8:17AM
Fiji’s clear waters and colourful coral reefs are just some of the things that make it a great tropical getaway. Photo: Getty Images

Why Fiji is worth visiting: clear tropical waters, kindness and kava

With its beautiful beaches, food and famously hospitable people, Fiji makes for a great tropical getaway for those willing to make the journey – even if the country does have a few bad points.

10 Jun 2024 - 4:15AM
A tourist rides on an elephant at Mason’s Elephant Park and Lodge, Bali, Indonesia. Animal welfare groups slam Bali’s elephant parks for cruelly exploiting their captive animals for tourism, while park owners say the elephants enjoy human interaction and exercise. Photo: Dave Smith

Captive hell? Undercover inspection reveals plight of some Bali elephants

Animal welfare groups slam Bali’s elephant parks for cruelly exploiting captive animals for tourism, while park owners say the elephants enjoy human interaction and exercise.

9 Jun 2024 - 11:15AM
The view from a Hong Kong ferry. Photo: Bettina Wassener

She rode every Hong Kong ferry. What did she find in city’s remote places?

Finding a list of official Hong Kong ferry routes opened long-time resident Bettina Wassener’s eyes to parts of the city of 263 islands she had missed out on. She decided to remedy that, and took them all.

9 Jun 2024 - 7:45AM