
From hardship in a Hong Kong village to owning New York spa to the stars

Abandoned by her father, Chan Yuk Ling had it tough as a child in the New Territories. But she followed him to the Big Apple, opened her first spa in 1984 and today has stars from Madonna to Mariah Carey as clients

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Ling Chan (born Chan Yuk Ling), founder of the Ling New York spa, in Macau. Photo: Jonathan Wong

I was born in a village in the New Territories, in the area that’s now called Po Lam. My father was a seaman. When I was 10 years old, and my mother was pregnant with my little sister, he went to America and didn’t come back. My mother stayed in the village even though this wasn’t allowed – usually only the men could be the head of the household.


My mother was helped by her own mother, but it was very hard for her. She had full responsibility for the family, and had to take care of me, my younger brother and baby sister. My mother is 94 now and she’s a very healthy, strong lady. But we went through some difficult times, and she was often unhappy.

It was tough for me, too. My grandmother and mother never went to school. So I needed to take care of them, psychologically. I was always very supportive, talking to my mother and guiding her. I helped take care of my younger siblings, too. I was always a happy child, though. I’m 67 now and I’m still the same – emotionally, I am very strong. No matter what the problem, I have a talent to change a negative issue into a positive way of thinking.

My mother is 94 now and she’s a very healthy, strong lady. But we went through some difficult times, and she was often unhappy
Chan Yuk Ling

In our village primary school, one teacher taught all the kids from three different years in the same classroom. This was typical for the 1950s. Hong Kong was very poor then, so we were lucky to get this educa­tion. For high school I moved to Diamond Hill. Soon after I graduated I met my husband, Jimmy Chan Kam-hung. He’s from Hong Kong but he had travelled around the world, serving in the British Navy. We got married when I was 22.

Actress Meg Ryan is a customer of Chan Yuk Ling’s Manhattan spa. Photo: AFP
Actress Meg Ryan is a customer of Chan Yuk Ling’s Manhattan spa. Photo: AFP