Travel after the coronavirus pandemic: Chinese tourists will initially stay in Asia-Pacific, experts say, and head outdoors for custom experiences
- Destinations closer to home, exclusive experiences and an increased use of technology could be on the cards for Chinese and East Asian tourists
- Central-Eastern and Southern Europe could gain appeal from the traditionally popular countries in the west of the continent
The coronavirus pandemic is likely to create a “new normal” when it comes to travel and tourism. But when the borders have all reopened, what might that look like? We asked experts to share their views on what Chinese and East Asian travellers will be looking for in a post-Covid-19 world, and how the West could again woo such visitors.
Assuming ongoing uncertainty, tour operators will have to be flexible and resilient, and provide more experiences that are tailored and exclusive, Ap says.
“What sort of experience do we want to provide – that’s the key. ‘More’ is not necessarily better; travel will not be about numbers but quality,” says Ap. “Chinese tourists will look at the ‘caring capacity’ of destinations and businesses to safely accommodate and be able to offer a good experience, not a crowded one.”