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Lots of water, lots of protein, exercise, a positive attitude and a little sunshine: these are the secrets to looking young as you age, says Singaporean photographer and influencer Chuando Tan, 58. Photo:

How to age well? We ask Singaporean photographer Chuando Tan, 58, who looks half his age

  • Singaporean influencer Chuando Tan, 58, says diet and exercise are key to looking and feeling younger than our age, as is a positive outlook

Singaporean fashion photographer Chuando Tan has garnered acclaim for his captivating images of his subjects, and of himself.

With chiselled abs and a youthful visage, Tan looks far younger than his 58 years.

The youngest son of painter Tan Tee Chie, his journey into the world of imagery began as a model in the 1980s. He was briefly a pop vocalist during the 90s, before pivoting to photography.

About a decade ago, Tan opened an Instagram account for the studio he established with photographer Frey Ow, ChuanDo & Frey, and posted a series of self-portraits and captivating captions.

Tan posted this photo of himself from 1989, aged 23. Photo:

His age-defying appearance swiftly captured attention online. Today, the Instagram account has more than 1.5 million followers.

There was plenty of speculation about his youthful looks; some commenters attributed them to genetic inheritance, while others lauded the purported benefits of Singapore’s air, superior healthcare infrastructure, and access to premium products.

The Post spoke with Tan about his daily regimen.

Tan believes that what we eat has considerable influence over how we feel and how we look. Our diet accounts for 70 per cent of our physical and mental well-being, he believes, with physical activity contributing the rest.

Tan, having a mug of tea with ice cream, enjoys this dessert once in a while. Photo: chuando_chuandoandfrey
His usual breakfast consists of six hard-boiled eggs, although he discards two yolks to keep his cholesterol levels in check. Occasionally he has an avocado with berries.
Tan’s other meals often feature chicken with rice, grilled vegetables and fish broth. He enjoys ice cream now and then. Steering clear of coffee and tea, he drinks lots of water to stay hydrated.

When asked about the one food he could not live without, Tan doesn’t pick out a particular item, but chooses a food group.

“Protein,” he says, “is essential for maintaining our overall well-being.”

Tan celebrated his 58th birthday in March. Having a positive outlook on life is a key to his age-defying looks, he says. Photo:

If he had to pick a favourite meal, Tan would opt for a dish with some form of protein and vegetables in clear soup.

The choice underscores his commitment to a balanced diet, prioritising nutrients that support vitality and longevity.

Tan’s fitness regimen targets strength training, three or four half-hour sessions a week. He also does brisk treadmill walks, and swims almost every day.
He takes a vitamin C supplement – “because it is a powerful antioxidant [that] plays a crucial role in repairing and rejuvenating our bodies”, he says.

For those seeking guidance on ageing with grace and vitality, Tan offers a few tips.

Tan recommends spending enough time in the sun to allow vitamin D synthesis, but warns that too much sun exposure can accelerate the ageing process. Photo:
Does he consider himself a biohacker, among the legions of people trying to turn back the clock?

No, says Tan. He shuns labels. Despite his dedication to health and wellness, he says he is simply a “normal human being”.

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