
Sleep disorders less likely if you feel good about life, say scientists – but they don’t yet know which comes first

Sleep apnoea – which causes breathing interruptions – or restless leg syndrome, in which sufferers thrash their legs in bed, are much less prevalent in people who believe their lives have value, study of older Americans finds

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Recent studies have found that feeling good about life may lead to better sleep. Photo: Shutterstock

Whether you sleep easily at night or toss and turn may relate to your outlook on life. The journal Sleep Science and Practice published a study recently that showed people who felt good about their life were less likely to report troubles such as sleep apnoea or restless leg syndrome – disorders that cause breathing interruptions and the need to thrash your limbs to overcome discomfort.

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Researchers from Chicago’s Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine surveyed more than 800 older adults with a mean age of 79, more than half of whom were African Americans, on how they felt about their lives. Items included, “I feel good when I think of what I’ve done in the past and what I hope to do in the future”, and, “Some people wander aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them.”


The results indicate the benefits of positive psychology on sleep health: those who believed their lives had value were 63 per cent less likely to have sleep apnoea and 52 per cent less likely to have restless legs syndrome at follow-up two years after the study.

So does better sleep quality lead to a better quality of life – or vice versa? The study’s authors note that individuals with a high purpose in life tend to have better overall mental and physical health, as they are more likely to exercise, have regular medical check-ups and adequate relaxation – which lead to better sleep. On the flip side, having physical and mental health problems such as depression and heart disease can keep a person awake at night.

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Future research could look at using mindfulness-based therapies such as meditation to enhance purpose in life – and to examine their effect on sleep health – researchers suggest.

A 2012 study from the Hong Kong Education University showed four in 10 Hong Kong people, 2.2 million, suffered from insomnia.

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